Melody gives keynotes and lectures, and she leads workshops and seminars. These are always tailored to the needs of your organization or audience, and they address a wide array of topics, including mental health, Islam, Iran, inclusion, writing, activism, and more. As a mental health advocate and suicide survivor, she speaks about struggling and thriving with mental illness. As an activist, she speaks out against Islamophobia, sexism, racism, homophobia, ableism, sanism, and other forms of discrimination. As an award-winning author, she teaches writing workshops; gives lectures, readings, and interviews; and appears at book signings. As an attorney, she writes and speaks about improving mental health for lawyers and defeating stigma and discrimination within the legal profession (for law firms and CLE programs).

For a list of select prior keynotes, workshops, and seminars, click here. For a list of upcoming events, click here.

Photo: Ann Silver

Examples of keynote, workshop, and seminar topics include (among others):

  • Applying the Rumi Prescription: Leading with Love in the face of fear, anger, depression, anxiety, distraction, isolation, wanting, disappointment, envy, bitterness, and pride. This presentation can be a series of workshops, an extended seminar, a tailored keynote, or some combination thereof.

  • From Illness to Wellness, Adversity to Advocacy: A Personal and Political Take on Thriving with a Mental Health Condition Personally and Combating Sanism Globally

  • Jihad for Peace: A Struggle for Love and Justice Within and Without

  • Muslimah Rising: An Intersectional Islamic Feminist Perspective on Life, Love, and Justice

  • Resisting Islamophobia: Answering a Personal, Political, and Spiritual Call for Inclusion and Equity

  • Islam 101: Cultural Awareness & Sensitivity Training

  • A Call for Peace with Iran: A Personal and Political Take on Iranian-American Identity and Relations

  • Mental Health for Lawyers (including CLEs)

  • Writing with Intention: Exploring Craft, Content, and Calling in Creative Writing

  • The Activist Writer: Where Art Meets Activism

To book a speaking engagement, contact Melody using the form below or email her directly at melody[at]melodymoezzi[dot]com.

For book business, including requests for translations, please contact my agent, Ayesha Pande, at ayesha[at]pandeliterary[dot]com.